
Showing posts from May, 2018

Event 3: Hox Zodiac

We are all different in shape, size, and DNA. However there is an underlying commonality that define body structure. This information is in a set of genes that is called Hox genes. All the living creatures have the Hox genes and the Chinese Zodiac is used as framework, therefore, we can relate ourselves to animals. The Hox Zodiac Wheel Since I was born in 1996, my animal is the Rat. Yin-Yang simply represent dark-bright, negative-positive, female-male. I am glad that I am a male and I have bright, positive characteristics. My organ is gallbladder, so that the rats can rule the gallbladder, which is a small organ where bile is stored until it is used in the small intestine. This reminded me of Week 6 topic, Biotech + Art. Rats are the most widely used animal to test and research. There is no doubt that rats have contributed to the Biology and Neuroscience. Rats are always used in any experiment that is to improve the medicine, healing, an...

Week 9: Space + Art

Solar System This lecture about the space and art which is pretty good topic to involve ideas from earlier topics from this course. Since space, aerospace engineering, is considered as high-end technology, and it has been developed pretty recently.\ Atomic Bomb on Kazakhstan In July 16, 1945 creation of the first atomic bomb came to fruition in the USA and was tested at the Alamogordo, New Mexico at a site called Trinity the atomic bomb at a site called Trinity. It was to end the World War II. On August 29 1949, the Soviet Union detonated its first atomic bomb at the Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan. This event ends America's monopoly of atomic bomb and launches the Cold War in the 1950s. The first hydrogen bomb in 1952 beating the Russia. The Cold War was even more intensified in 1954, by announcing massive retaliation by USA which is basically saying that any Soviet attack will be responded with a massive nuclear bo...

Week 8: NanoTech +Art

As mentioned earlier in the lecture videos, Nanotechnology is the branch of technology that deals with dimensions of less than 100 nano-meters, especially atoms and molecules. The Nanotechnology has the potential to change the world and it is actually changing the world, nowadays. [Scales in nanotechnology] uconlineprogram. “Nanotech Jim pt1.”  YouTube , YouTube, 21 May 2012, Scanning Tunneling Microscope is invented by Gerd Binning and Heinrich Rohrer. It is rastering to form an image of atoms so that it can actually form picture of structures of atom. Diamond and graphite are pure carbon atoms but they are totally different. The reason they are so different can be explained by looking at the structures of them with the scanning tunneling microscope. [Pictures of Gerd and Heini with Scanning Tunneling Microscope] uconlineprogram. “Nanotech Jim pt2.”  YouTube , YouTube, 21 May 2012,

Week 7: Neurosci + Art

First of all, It was interesting to see the relationship between neuroscience and art. Neuroscience is the study of structure or function of the nervous system and brain and art is the expression of human creatives. I thought they would not be related. However they are closely related to each other and interesting as well.  Franz Joseph Gall Ramon Y Cajal During the lecture video, Ramon Y Cajal and are introduce as critical in showing how brain looks and works with the correct idea. Franz is the first one to come up with an idea of cerebral functions to various areas of the brain.  Ramon is the founder of neuron anatomy that reads out the connection patterns with the neurons which looks beautiful and they are arranged in efficient way of communication as well. Gold Cortex by Greg Dunn This is the pictures of Greg Dunn who is a visual artist. He studies neuroscience at University of Pennsylvania. By looking at his painting at a glance, it is indistinguish...

Event 2: Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous

I have attended to this event, Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous at May 10th, 2018 7 PM to 8 PM. The event was presented by the short four different people, Roberta Raffaeta, Maru Garcia, Kelly Nipper, and Ariel Levi Simons. Some of them were Artists and some of the were students. One of the presentations was talking about their projects that is studying, portraying and assessing examples of scientific practice in interdisciplinary work this presentation reminds me of Week 1 topic, Two Cultures. During the presentation she empathized that collaborations of sciences and humanities with reference to contributions of design and arts. According to the Charles Parcey Snow's idea there are two distinct cultures literary intellectuals and natural scientists. However, she is more inclined to John Brockman's idea that negates Charles Parcey Snow's idea. John Brockman's idea is the wall between two cultures, Sciences and Arts have been blurred. Which corresponds to ...

Week 6: BioTech+Art

As we have seen until Week 6, nature has been an interesting field for the artists and Joe Davis is considered as the pioneer of the Bio-Art, art of natural biology. His idea is that the genomes can be a new palette for an artist. He started to convince molecular biologist to synthesize DNA and then inserted into genomes of bacteria. There are some ethical issues on the animals examined or treated for the art work, and technical issue that scientist should be involved to perform the art. One of the most iconic Bio-Arts is the fluorescent bunny, by Eduardo  Kac . The fluorescent bunny is created by French scientists inserting fluorescent jellyfish's gene into a bunny using micro injection. Obviously, it is vivid that this art work has the two issues that we discussed earlier. On the other hand artist like Eduardo  Kac and Joe Davis  question us on what is life and what does it mean. Joe Davis said "All of our dreams are going to come true. So we will have to have the ...