Event 2: Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous

I have attended to this event, Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous at May 10th, 2018 7 PM to 8 PM. The event was presented by the short four different people, Roberta Raffaeta, Maru Garcia, Kelly Nipper, and Ariel Levi Simons. Some of them were Artists and some of the were students.

One of the presentations was talking about their projects that is studying, portraying and assessing examples of scientific practice in interdisciplinary work this presentation reminds me of Week 1 topic, Two Cultures. During the presentation she empathized that collaborations of sciences and humanities with reference to contributions of design and arts. According to the Charles Parcey Snow's idea there are two distinct cultures literary intellectuals and natural scientists. However, she is more inclined to John Brockman's idea that negates Charles Parcey Snow's idea. John Brockman's idea is the wall between two cultures, Sciences and Arts have been blurred. Which corresponds to my idea in Week 1 as well.

Another presentation was talking about the Artificial light at night, ALAN. ALAN may harm environments on animal physiology during early life. ALAN is leading to a loss of darkness on the ecosystems which is problematic for many different species of animals on life pattern of them. Further more humans can be affects by the light pollution the light pollution would disrupt us sleeping, since we are dependent on natural body cycle, circadian rhythms, it would hurt life pattern which will be eventually hurting our health as well. As you can see on the presentation slide, most part of the world are still bright even at night. He also introduced Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) which provides ALAN data set to monitor global weather patterns and predicts the weather. He also mentioned that ecologists and biologist are studying antioxidants and oxidation damage. Furthermore, they can develop the effects of light pollution in ecosystem. As an electrical engineering student, now I want to study about the light pollution in our society and try to develop the light emission.

It was pleasure to see some examples of what we learned for last six weeks. This presentation reminded me of some topics what we discussed earlier for this class. I would recommend this event to other classmates, since during this event I could have reviewed some topics and get some vivid examples and ideas that makes me able to think deeply about the topics we discussed earlier. Obviously, I could get more vivid ideas on previous topics and discussion, it would be much better to go though with the final quiz when I have to recall the previous weeks' topics. 

“ALAN Official Website.” ALAN Official Website, www.artificiallightatnight.org/.

Artificial Light at Night Affects Body Mass but Not Oxidative Status in Free-Living Nestling Songbirds: an Experimental Study. www.nature.com/articles/srep35626.

“Effects of Light Exposure at Night during Development.” Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics, Elsevier, 6 Nov. 2015, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352154615001345.

“Ground Truth.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 13 May 2018, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground_truth.


Snow, C. P. The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution: the Rede Lecture. Publisher Not Identified, 1959.

Brockman, John. The Third Culture. Simon & Schuster, 1995.


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